Erin Johnson Coaching
ICF Certified Life Coach working with you to explore your own creativity and capacity to move through obstacles and challenges, connect with your higher self, up-level your identity and empower you to manifest
the life you truly desire.
My Approach
​Combining board certified coaching skills, knowledge of universal laws, basic neuroscience principles and the wisdom of the body to facilitate fundamental shifts, I motivate and inspire you on this journey of personal growth, development and leveling up your life.
My ​body / brain aligned coaching calls in people ready to work with their higher wisdom, step into their next version and transform their lives. Whether it's focusing on your one goal, honing your skills of manifesting or bringing your future self into your daily life now, you will be supported throughout your developmental journey of up-leveling your life.
Meet Erin
​I believe deep down people want to live boldly embodied and on purpose.
Practicing what I teach for over a decade, I have watched my life change from frustration, anger and resentment to ease, trust and love.
And I am passionate about supporting you on your own journey to live uniquely you as you transform the life you choose to live.
One Goal
Coaching Experience

4 Weeks
Overcome your obstacles to gain momentum
Get clear, focused, and take purposeful action
Move from planning to doing—and get the results you want.
Coaching Experience

8 Weeks
Learn the art and science of syncing up with Universal energy
Make manifesting fast, easy, and way more fun
Watch opportunities arrive at your doorstep

Level Up
Coaching Experience
12 Weeks
Rewrite your story to include everything you desire
Begin to live your more extraordinary life
Sharpen your mindset and become a stronger thinker.
Next Level You Group Coaching Experience

6 Weeks
Step into your next level self in real time
Align your identity with your vision—no more playing small
Be inspired, level up, and vibe with others who are ready to evolve